Breakfasts ONE - Good Morning Muffins TWO - Blueberry Bran Muffins THREE - Smoothie FOUR - Raisen Toast <--so successful, I had this twice! FIVE - Toast with Nutella SIX - Pancakes with Blueberries <-- they had this without me on Saturday!
Lunches ONE - yummy veg bagel sandwich TWO - cheese quesadillas and guacamole THREE - Bagel Melts (used leftover chili) FOUR - Fried Egg Sandwich FIVE - Leftover Lasagna SIX - Leftover chili
Dinners ONE - Lasagna (but I did make it this week! TWO - Curried Cauliflower,Chickpeas & Naan THREE - Roasted Veg Chowder (making this tonight) FOUR - Fajitas FIVE - Chili SIX - Spagetti
So, too many dinners on my plan. We had leftovers of chili (we might still have leftover chili), leftovers of indian food & leftover pizza from the night our friends brought dinner.
I think my new plan will be to start over on Monday next week, and only plan 4 dinners and 5 breakfasts. Lunch will sort itself out without extravagant planning, and I'm sure leftovers, invitations or restaurants will take care of the other 3 dinners.